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Evanston Employment Resource Center


Operated by Evanston Community Council, the Evanston Employment Resource Center (EERC) empowers individuals to improve their employment opportunities by connecting them to citywide employers and the vital resources necessary to retain their job.


The EERC is located in the heart of “The Educating Community” at 3301 Montgomery Road in the Historic Five-Points Flat Iron Building. The office is open Tuesday through Thursday from 10am – 2pm, accepting walk-ins for self-help and appointments for in-depth, staff assistance. Staff will assist walk-ins with in-depth needs, without an appointment, during the hours of 10am-1pm. All residents utilizing the services of the EERC must be 18 years of age or older.


Services Offered:


The EERC capitalizes on the assets of generous community leaders, partners and supporters to:

  1. Provide walk-in access to computers with high-speed Internet access, printer, fax and copy machine to assist individuals in their search for and communication with potential employers.

  2. Set-up appointment based, one-on-one assistance with goal setting, career counseling, school application/s and completing the Federal Application for Student Aid (FAFSA), creating an email account, building or updating a resume, creating a cover letter, scanning a digital copy of a resume and/or cover letter into their email and creating an online account with job search-engines such as CareerBuilder.

  3. Set-up appointment based, one-on-one assistance with connecting individuals to local social service organizations and programs that assist individuals in not only gaining the skills needed to secure a job, i.e. Manufacturing Certificates but the basic essentials necessary for retaining a job, i.e. stable housing.

  4. Host on-site employment and computer skill trainings and workshops, available on each computer for a “move-at-your-own-pace” interactive, learning experience.


For More Information or to Set-up Volunteer Hours, Please Contact Us at:


Evanston Employment Resource Center

3301 Montgomery Rd.
Cincinnati, OH 45207
(513) 281-2775

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